Will a Credit Card Company Accept a Payoff of a Certain Percentage?
Usually, when a credit card company sees that a person is close to going bankrupt, they will allow a credit card holder to pay off a percentage of the amount they owe on their balance. This is only due to certain factors that the credit card companies take into consideration. There are certain qualifications and requirements that a card holder must meet before the credit card company will allow them to arrange a settlement.
The criteria that must be met before you can get a credit card to settle for a percentage of your debt will differ from company to company. Each credit card company will evaluate you and your credit situation differently, and may very well give you very different offers. Here are a few of the things that would qualify you for, or sway the creditor’s opinion on whether or not you meet the requirements to arrange a debt settlement.
1. Credit Crisis
The main thing that credit card companies look at when you request to make a percentage payoff is what kind of trouble you are in with your credit. If you owe a bunch of money on your credit card, and you have a credit history that reflects bad payment habits, they will be more likely to accept your request.
This will also determine what percentage they allow you to pay off. This plays a huge role because if you have had an easy time making your payments on time, you havea great payment history, and you have been easily paying your other creditors as well, the credit card company you are requesting a settlement from will assume automatically that you can just as easily continue to make the payments you are currently making.
2. Income and Assets
Credit card companies will take into consideration what kind of money you are making, and what items you have within your possession that are of a descent value. They do this, because, in the worst case, if they were to sue you for not paying your credit card bills, they would want to know how much they would be able to get. They may compare that to the amount you would pay them if they were to allow you to pay just a certain percentage of your debt. It is a morbid thought, yes, but it is still possible.
3. On the Verge of Bankruptcy
What credit card companies often see is that you are at a high risk of going bankrupt. Because credit cards will often choose not to sue, they would like to choose a debt settlement over bankruptcy. This is because, if you pay a percentage of your credit card debt, though it may not be the full amount, it is better than the amount they would get from you if you went bankrupt. If you chose bankruptcy over a debt settlement, they would not end up getting any money from you. So naturally, they would rather that you paid a partial amount of the debt you owe than none at all.